SMeART – An Initiative of CIMSME Gurukul

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Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises aims to create a development strategy to transfer SMART technologies, processes and practices to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), thus making them competitive for the national and international market.

We want to bring together the best minds in the field of SMART technologies, processes and practices and the practical know-how of small and medium-sized enterprises to jointly tackle the related challenges.

  • To gain an overview of relevant SMART initiatives across all the states
  • To identify needs and expectations of SMEs related to SMART technologies, processes and practices
  • To design, to test and to integrate a research-business cooperation model for upskilling SMEs
  • To promote further cooperation and exchange between SMEs, higher education, and other key actors in the field of SMART technologies, processes and practices

​​​​​​​​​​​​Based on collective learning and discussion, the CIMSME’s aim is to provide specific support to small and medium-sized enterprises to promote their transfer to the SMART industry.

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Event Detail

August 21, 2020 7:00 pm
August 21, 2020 9:00 pm


International Council of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ICTMAE) is a not for profit corporation based out of USA; and registered not for profit organisation in India and Spain. Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME), Centre of Excellence for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CEIIE), Centre of Excellence for Blockchain Technologies (CEBT), Global Council for The Promotion of International Trade (GCPIT) are units of International Council of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering, India..
