Management & Executive Council

Do you want to be more involved with the Confederation? Join a Council! Becoming a council member allows you to become an advocate for local business growth and development, deepen your relationships with fellow business leaders, and influence the Confederation’s programs and services. Whether you choose to share your expertise through event planning, training, or lobbying for legislative affairs, your opportunities to help further the mission of the Confederation are endless as you help bring people and businesses together.

Which council best suits your goals, interests and talents? Confederation council and a description of the work each one does are listed below, along with the link to apply. While time commitments will vary depending on the council chosen and your participation level, all councils are designed to broaden your network of contacts, challenge you to learn more about issues facing your business and community, and deepen your involvement in the Confederation.

Management Council

Management Council (MC) has ultimate responsibility for directing the activity of the organization, ensuring it is well run and delivering the outcomes for which it has been set up. Every member is invited at a pre-pay price of Rs. 30,000.00 (National), Rs. 20,000.00 (State) per year. 

Every management council should provide leadership to the organization by:

  • Setting the strategic direction to guide and direct the activities of the organisation;
  • Ensuring the effective management of the organization and its activities; and
  • Monitoring the activities of the organisation to ensure they are in keeping with the founding principles, objects and values.

Understanding the role

“The leaders are all volunteers giving their time to support, manage and develop the sector’s activities and services in Indian.  Estimated at over 3,000 volunteers…”

Giving Leadership, Giving Time, Volunteer Now 2021

Management council members carry out a vital role within the community and voluntary sector.  Their role is not necessarily about doing, it is about ensuring things are done.  Usually, the day-to-day management of the organisation will be delegated to paid staff or to volunteers, although the Management Council of smaller organizations is often much more actively involved.

The management council is the group of people who are held accountable for the activities of the organization.  It is the ultimate decision-making forum.

Overview of Responsibility

The Management Committee plays an important role in the organization as both leaders and decision-makers.  Their overall responsibilities are summarised below.

Vision and Values

The Management Council ensures that everything the organization does supports its vision, purpose and aims.  They establish the fundamental values, ethical principles and strategic direction in which the organization operates.


The Management Council must account for everything the organization does.  The Management Council is accountable to the membership of the organisation and other key stakeholders such as funders and donors.  The Management Council monitors and evaluates all areas of the organisation’s performance.

Legal Duties

The Management Council ensures compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements and seeks guidance around any uncertainties.  Everything the Management Council and the organisation do must also be in line with its governing document, e.g. constitution or memorandum and articles of association.

Managing Staff 

In organizations that employ staff, the Board of Directors or Executive Board is essentially the employer.  They must ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for staff and that they are properly managed and supported.

Managing Volunteers

Many organisations in the sector involve volunteers in their work.  It is also the responsibility of the management council to ensure that volunteers are effectively recruited, trained and managed as part of the Executive Council, Advisory Board Members.

The principal role of the Director-General is to provide leadership to the Council. The Director-General is responsible for effectively managing the affairs of the Council (SDGsGIS/WCombinator/MSME) and ensuring that the CIMSME is properly organized. Where the role of Chairperson and President are not combined, the Director-General also advises the Chairperson/ President in all matters concerning the interests of the Council, the CIMSME and the relationships between management and the Board.

More specifically, the Director-General shall:

  1. Provide leadership to enable the Board to act effectively in carrying out its duties and responsibilities as described in the Mandate of the Board and as otherwise may be appropriate.
  2. Work with the Board, the President and other MC/ EC to monitor progress on the Council’s business plans, annual budgets, policy implementation and succession planning.
  3. Assist the President in presenting the Council vision and strategies to the Board, large shareholders, partners and the outside world.
  4. Communicating, on behalf of the Council, with shareholders, government entities, and the public
  5. Leading the development of the Council’s short-and long-term strategy
  6. Creating and implementing the Councilor organization’s vision and mission
  7. Evaluating the work of other executive and management leaders within the Council, including directors, vice presidents, and presidents
  8. Maintaining awareness of the competitive market landscape, expansion opportunities, industry developments, etc.
  9. Assessing risks to the Council and ensuring they are monitored and minimized
  10. Setting strategic goals and making sure they are measurable and describable

Chairing is a key role on any honorary management council. The Chairperson must ensure that the management council functions properly, that there is full participation during meetings, that all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made and carried out.

The role of a Chairperson is time-consuming, with work between meetings, external representation of the organization, and work with staff. Chairing a large organisation requires diplomatic and leadership skills of a high level.

The responsibilities of a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson can be summarised under five areas:

To provide leadership

The overarching role of the chairperson is to provide leadership, they must be an effective strategist and good networkers.

To ensure the Management Council functions properly.

The Chairperson is responsible for making sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner. The Chairperson must make the most of all his/her committee members, building and leading the team. This also involves regularly reviewing the Council’s performance and identifying and managing the process for renewal of the Council through recruitment of new members.

To ensure the organisation is managed effectively.

The Chairperson must co-ordinate the Council/s to ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for the effective management of the organisation.

To represent the organisation as its figurehead.

The Chairperson may from time to time be called upon to represent the organisation and sometimes be its spokesperson at, for example, functions or meetings.

The duties and responsibilities of the President and Vice-President shall be as follows:

  • Represent the confederation and conduct the business of the association as defined by the Constitution and By-Laws.
  • Preside over all meetings of the confederation.
  • Call special meetings of the confederation or any of the confederation’s committees and/or task forces when necessary.
  • Appoint chairs for committees and task forces, with the approval of the Executive Council.
  • Appoint a student representative, with the approval of the Executive Council.
  • Upon the advice and consent of a majority of the Board of Directors, fill vacancies which may occur within the elected offices of the confederation.
  • Act as liaison with the Council Chair(s) providing a communication network with the Central Board of Directors.
  • Provide advice and direction to committees/task forces so they can achieve the confederation’s goals and fulfill the confederation’s mission.
  • Facilitate effective communication between the Central Board of Directors, Management and Executive Council/Task Force.
  • Attending Central Board of Director (BOD) meetings and special meetings as scheduled, both onsite (1-2 per year) and via teleconferencing.
  • Representing the general membership on issues of interest or concern, particularly those that arise outside of the standing committee structure.

The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary and Joint Secretary shall include:

  • To work within the guidelines set out by the council through its President / Vice-President
  • To help implement assigned action plans with the assistance of the committee members, members; administer/monitor the day-to-day functioning of the same.
  • To coordinate in the successful execution of the tasks assigned to the Council members and report on the same period at the Council meetings
  • To convene council meetings and maintain/disseminate minutes of all such Meetings as well as maximize participation or initiate action against regular non-attendees
  • To be a prime-mover in the translation of goal-directed activities into desired results
  • To effectively utilize the services of the Joint Secretary in sharing of authorities and responsibilities
  • To properly conduct the affairs of the Confederation within the dictates of the governing laws
  • To ably and pro-actively assist the Secretary in the timely discharge of his functional duties outside India
  • To share the responsibilities related to Overseas Chapter activities and their creation as well as promotion with the Secretary
  • To share any other responsibilities which may be entrusted the Secretary from time to time

The duties and responsibilities of the Coordinator shall include:

  • Research, prepare and track proposals.
  • Administer all aspects of committee, member and local section solicitations
  • Coordinate the details of the special events at annual meeting
  • Coordinate the details of the Annual General Meeting, Central Board of Directors meeting at the annual meeting.
  • Maintain accurate donor, sponsor, members records
  • Maintain Endowment Campaign records, track pledges, send reminder notices of pledges due, send acknowledgments of donations received, serve as staff contact with the endowment team and fund-raising counsel.
  • Prepare a monthly accounting summary
  • Write articles for the newsletter, press releases
  • Coordinate the production and distribution of the newsletter
  • Maintain good lines of communication with the Committee, Central Board of Directors.
  • Design confederation promotional.

The duties and responsibilities of the Convenor shall include:

  • The Convenor will work in close coordination with the president and will provide help wherever required for smooth conduction of activities.
  • To ensure participation in the meeting and prepare the meeting agenda at least 10 days prior to meeting with the inputs from all valuable committee members and President.
  • To collect the inputs from all the members of the committee at regular intervals, especially external members for better planning of confederation activities and effective delivery of results.

Executive Council

The role of the Executive Council is to be responsible for the implementation of the plan of action and the daily running of the activities as a subject matter expert. According to the Standing Orders responsibilities of all the EC members are as follows:

  • Represent in meetings, and ensure feedback into the council
  • Co-ordinate other representatives (non-EC members) involved in the implementation of the Plan of Action
  • Co-ordinate working groups appointed by the Management Council
  • Confer with hosting organisations on the preparation of events/projects
  • Ensure accurate production of the minutes of the meeting or other constitutional meetings
  • Stimulate strategic developments
  • Collect the proposals for constitutional changes and other future developments of the network
  • Encourage new membership and support the members and partner organisations
  • Ensure the continuity of respective position in the EC by recruiting and preparing new members to carry out the duties after new elections to the EC
  • Take ad hoc tasks decided in the EC

Every member is invited at a pre-pay price of Rs. 20,000.00 (National), Rs. 10,000.00 (State) per year. 

On day-to-day basis these tasks are distributed between different EC members. All EC decisions, however, are taken collectively by all members of the EC – this means that apart from position-specific tasks all the EC members have a responsibility of general decision-making/management in the organisation.

  • Implement and manage an effective legal compliance program.
  • Develop and review company policies.
  • Advise management on the company’s compliance with laws and regulations through detailed reports.
  • Create and manage effective action plans in response to audit discoveries and compliance violations.
  • Regularly audit company procedures, practices, and documents to identify possible weaknesses or risk.
  • Assess company operations to determine compliance risk.
  • Ensure all employees are educated on the latest regulations and processes.
  • Resolve employee concerns about legal compliance.
  • Develop and execute strategy for outreach, hunting, attracting and onboarding deserving and qualified innovative entrepreneurs, and start-ups.
  • Designing & managing Incubation and Acceleration programs
  • Provide high-quality coaching and advisory support to entrepreneurs.
  • Good understanding of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem.
  • Qualify and evaluate applicants for creativity, innovation, acceleration and investment stage.
  • Provide support to entrepreneurs across ideation, acceleration, investment and scale-up stage.
  • Guide & support start-ups for fundraising activity.
  • Develop, execute and own an operational and engagement strategy for the entire community including donors, startups, investors, corporates, mentors, advisors, and domain experts.
  • Provide continued strategic guidance to entrepreneurs in areas such as business modeling, sales, and marketing, financing, fundraising, overall strategy, operations etc.
  • Be the switchboard for entrepreneurs to access relevant resources and connections
  • Lead event sales (internal sales and external agents), marketing, operations and content team.
  • Strategically identify potential growth opportunities
  • Lead the development and maintenance of own strategic plans
  • Oversee and monitor the strategic plan to ensure it is carried out on time and to budget
  • Agree the annual exhibition budget with the senior event management team and cascade accordingly
  • Ensure that the planned exhibition growth and targets are achievable with available resources
  • Be responsible for and ensure compliance with company Health and Safety standards
  • Create event content and features with the team that will ensure longer term visitor interest and/or commercial success
  • Evaluate event effectiveness and recommend strategies for improvement
  • Uphold the brand reputation of Informa as the premier exhibition & events provider at all times.
  • In collaboration with the Executive Council, develops and manages college strategy for strengthening relationships with elected officials and government agencies and increasing their understanding of and support for CIMSME.
  • Develops supporters and political alliances with the community to advocate on behalf of CIMSME. This includes but is not limited to retirees, volunteers, and coalition partners. Organizes and collaborates with partners to lobby around specific legislation, including political organizing.
  • Monitors legislation and policy activities, updates and advises council about relevant policy proposals and actions, and works with council to analyze potential impacts on the council. Communicates with the community to inform them of relevant government issues.
  • Coordinates government relations strategy with other relevant stakeholders, including, state and national associations, employee unions, and government relations staff from other agencies and industry. Engages constituents inside and outside the council in support of the CIMSME’s government relations agenda.
  • Develops a wide range of materials in support of the CIMSME’s government relations agenda, such as talking points, legislative summaries, factsheets, testimony, reports, and letters.
  • Plans and implements events and other activities to support the CIMSME’s government relations goals, such as town halls, news conferences, campus visits, and meetings. Executes lobbying events in accordance with campaign plans.
  • Assists with the development and implementation of special projects, such as, but not limited to, bond measures and redistricting.
  • Positions in this classification may perform all or some of the responsibilities above and all positions perform other related duties as assigned.
  • Director Community & Strategic Partnerships (EC)
  • Director Legal & Compliances (EC)
  • Director Industrial Relations (EC)
  • Director International Trade (EC)
  • Director Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship (EC)
  • Director Events & Exhibitions (EC)
  • Director Business & Industrial Automation (EC)
  • Director Growth Research (EC)
  • Director Technology Roadmapping (EC)
  • Director Community Leadership Development (EC)
  • Director Loan, Finance, Grants & Insurance (EC)
  • Director Go-to-Market (EC)
  • Director Government Relationship (EC)
  • Director Media & Public Relations (EC)
  • Director Digital Transformation (EC)
  • Director Diversity & Inclusion (EC)
  • Director Infrastructure, Housing & Real Estate (EC)
  • Director Electronic System Design & Manufacturing (EC)
  • Director IT & ITES (EC)
  • Director Biological & Life Sciences (EC)
  • Director Womenomics (EC)
  • Direct Artisan Industry Development & Promotion (EC)
  • Director Textile & Apparel Industry Development & Promotion(EC)
  • Director Services Industry Development & Promotion (EC)
  • Director Food & Agro Industry Development & Promotion (EC)
  • Director, Social Enterprise, CleanTech (EC)
  • Director, Retail and E-commerce (EC)
  • Director, Emerging Technology (EC)


This is the first time that a mapping has been planned to be carried out of Global startup companies that are addressing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – the SDGs. They’re called “SDGs: Global Impact Startups” since they have the potential to have a good social and environmental impact as well as financial gains.


WCombinator is an international network and accessible digital platform for sharing research, resources, and leading strategies. It is designed to address the needs of diverse women entrepreneurs across regions and across sectors. In response to COVID-19, WCombinator adopted an agitator role connecting women entrepreneurs and support organizations across the country and led network calls and training sessions.

MSME Growth

While there still lacks a universally accepted definition, Micro-, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are widely recognized for the important contributions they make to sustainable development, in terms of contributions to economic growth, creation of decent jobs, provision of public goods and services, as well as poverty alleviation and reduced inequality.


Womenomics is the idea that women’s economic advancement will improve the economy as a whole. If Womenomics is to succeed in Japan and elsewhere, we must first recognize the cultural and logistical reasons behind low rates of female labor participation. This means creating both job opportunities and support for female workers. Womenomics is a powerful force, which could expand a shrinking labor market, significantly increase GDP and contribute to the health and wellbeing of society.


to be the globally recognised organisation for unlocking the potential of MSMEs

Selection Process

1. 3 Years - 20 Years Entrepreneurial or Professional Experience (Eligibility Criteria).
2. 30 min presentation to the national council or live session.
3. Based on the feedback on the presentation, roles and responsibilities will be finalized.
4. Nomination form will be shared - form will have two parts one about you, second about your business.
5. Your profile will be listed on leaders head and company will be listed under directory listing
6. There will be induction about the organisation.
7. Introduction to team members.


1. Representation as CIMSME to external program need to obtain approval from President/ Secretary/ DG through email
2. President/ Secretary will take approval from DG.
3. 2 Hr contribution per week is must for staying accountable
4. Referred maximum 2 council members for CIMSME
5. Have at least 2000+ entrepreneurs network in the State by 2021
6. 3 consecutive absent or frequent absent in any of the EC/MC/AGM/ meeting will cause automatic termination
7. Council members must obtain due approval from Board for any fund raising, donation etc of any means


1. Email will be one of approved communication medium
2. All AGM, EC, MC & others should be called through email
3. Min 7 Days notice to be provided for EC/MC/ AGM
4. Adhoc meeting can be called with consent from DG
5. In absence of no evidence of email communication, respective council should be dissolved without further notice

EC Meeting

1. At least one EC meeting per month
2. New Council Member/s Induction Approval
3. State Level Planning, Execution, Partnership, Efficient Management
4. Policy, Rules & Regulation - Standard Operating Procedure
5. DG endorce the decision of EC with his/her discreation power to enforce the SOP or EC Meting Decisions for making it effective
6. Board of Directors, National Council will have suo-motu power to replace, appoint, relocation and re-posting any of the council members anytime
7. In the absence of Director General, Chairperson in the state, respective council will be controlled by national council or Board of Directors

Quarterly Presentation by Council

1. Connection made within the confederation team members
2. Connection made during various program by confederation
3. People helped - Internally and externally as leader of confederation
4. Ask V/s Help received from confederation
5. Number of members and council members introduced in the last quarter and total
6. Number of articles, blogs, research and session hosted by you in the last quarter and total

Important Clauses

1. All the social media accounts, pages, groups should be opened and operated with prior approval from National Council or Board of Directors.
2. Social Media accounts to be created with official email id only.
3. User ID and Password has to be maintained by the respective state atleast with 4-5 Members (Their name need to shared with the National council ).
4. Any appointment letter issued should be kept with Director General and Chairperson with a CC to
5. Should follow council member onboarding process as defined in the document.
6. Resignation process need to be followed with proper knowledge and data handover.

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