Career and Professional Development Center

Outcomes-basededucation implies that when programs are planned, desirable learning outcomes are identified and considered in the formulation of the plans.

In 2018 a new strategic vision for career development was operationalized at the International Council of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ICTMAE), USA, India and EUfocused on re-branding the Career Center and increasing student engagement in career planning. The plan emphasized the ICTMAE’s commitment to facilitating the professional development of students and alumni and incorporated the intentional assessment of student learning, engagement, and satisfaction to track success. The Career Center was renamed the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)and a team of Student Affairs professionals revised the ICTMAE’s mission, vision, research objectives, and developed a new career development framework focused on student learning and outcomes assessment.


The new mission of the CPDC centers on empowering students, developing connections to the employment community, and instituting sustainable programs and services. The mission is supported by three core themes:

  • creating expert career managers,
  • integrating career development campus— wide, and
  • creating synergy between the employment community, alumni and current students.

To ensure that the mission and core themes could be connected to learning outcomes and assessed, five strategic priorities were developed.

The three themes inform the strategic priorities of the CPDC which include:

Strategic Goal 1: Engage key internal stakeholders campus-wide in supporting and translating the vision of an integrated, collaborative career and professional development- focused ICTMAE committed to fostering “Knowledge That Works.” 

Strategic Goal 2: Prepare students and alumni with career development skills and methodology necessary to become active agents of their career paths.

Strategic Goal 3: Create strong partnerships with the employment community to facilitate student success at partnered Institutions and beyond.

Strategic Goal 4: Deliver leading edge programs and services to support the CPDC’s mission of preparing students and alumni for professional success by engaging them in the ICTMAE Career Cycle process, providing resources, and sharing networks.

Strategic Goal 5: Develop the CPDC as a user-friendly, efficient operation that facilitates the larger Institute-wide effort to promote student and alumni continuous professional success.

Goal: To assist students in choosing a major and/or career path at their respective college.

Objective: Students will demonstrate a clearer understanding of the career exploration process and how their own skills and interests match up to a chosen major/career path.

Associated Learning Outcome #1: After participating in ‘The Right Major for You Workshop’ or a one-to-one career exploration appointment students will be able to list at least one major/career path they are interested in exploring further and declare a major.

CAS Domain: Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration and application

Goal: To assist students in seeking out opportunities to gain experience within their chosen career fields (through part-time jobs, internships, clinical rotations, student teaching, job shadowing etc.) primarily during the students’ sophomore and junior years.

Objective: Increase the rate at which students participate in experiential learning by 10% each year for the next 3 academic years.

Associated Learning Outcomes: Graduating students will have participated in a career-related experience while at Their College (part-time jobs, internships, clinical rotations, student teaching, job shadowing etc.).

CAS Domain: Practical Competence; Intrapersonal Development; Interpersonal Competence

Goal: To assist students in learning about job opportunities in their intended career path

Objective: Students will investigate work tasks, settings, salary, job outlook and resources corresponding to careers they are considering.

Associated Learning Outcome: Student participating in ‘Dream Jobs for Your Major’ will complete a comprehensive profile/reflection that includes information on works tasks, setting, salary, job outlook and resources corresponding to careers they are considering.

CAS Domain: Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration and application

Goal: To develop life-long skills students can use to seek jobs, internships, apply to graduate school and make career changes.

Objective: Students will learn how to write professional documents (resume, cover letter, thank you letter) to use for jobs, internships and post graduate program applications.

Associated Learning Outcome: Students who participate in career development workshops (Make your Resume POP, The Ingredients of Perfect Cover Letter, and Mastering the Art of Interviewing) or meet one-on-one with a career counselor will have targeted career related documents by their senior year. acquisition, construction, integration and application; Intrapersonal

CAS Domain: Knowledge Development; Practical Competence

Goal: To increase students’ understanding of how their academic learning and career development are intertwined inseparable elements of the student experience.

Objective: Students will become part of a community within the Mentoring Network that provides insights and connections to help them make their career dreams a reality.

Associated Learning Outcome: Students participating in the Mentoring Network will be able to describe/reflect on how interactions with their Mentor have influenced their perspectives on the possibilities open to them after graduation.

CAS Domain: Cognitive Complexity; Interpersonal Competence; Intrapersonal Development; Practical Competence