Centre of Excellence for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CEIIE)
Centre of Excellence for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CEIIE) is one of the centers of excellence established by Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME) and Confederation of Startupreneurs and Studentpreneurs (CSS), are units of International Council of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering to achieve greater understanding of an effective mechanism for promotion of professional management practices in Indian organizations, as well as to stimulate the development of these organizations for societal benefit. CEIIE’s vision is to be acknowledged as a program of international renown, where students, faculty, alumni, industry and policymakers collaborate, learn and innovate. The team comprises of faculty from different functional areas and disciplines. Currently, it is headed by Er. Santosh G. with the help of a core team of student, mentor and coach representatives.
Some of the major activities undertaken by CEIIE are listed below:
- Entrepreneurial Research and Case Development: CEIIE aims to collaborate with faculty and fellows who have thesis topics on subjects related to entrepreneurship and innovation. The centre has also collaborated with industry to develop research cases for further study.
- Venture Creation: CEIIE provides support to the creation of new ventures by providing consulting services in evaluating opportunities, identifying resource requirements, assisting in resource acquisitions and managing new ventures.
- Events: As part of a new initiative, CEIIE has started organizing events that invite eminent speakers to share their experiences and insights to help young entrepreneurs make a smooth transition from the idea to implementation. Our flagship event MSME Connect is to enable MSMEs to face challenges in the globalized market by providing information on various schemes offered by Central and State Government, incentives packages offered by banks and financial institutions and vendor development by connecting large scale industries with small and medium scale.