Communique’ July’2020

e-magazine  Non-Affiliation

We live in very challenging times; an invisible virus has brought the whole world under its feet. Everybody is trying their best to make the most out of this unexpected situation. The whole world is adjusting to a “new normal”. In this situation, each of us is responsible to ourselves, the society, the country and the world at large. We, as entrepreneurs, also need to be part of this world reconstruction.

In this adjustment, many have lost confidence, ability to think rationally and stand up together as a community. Let’s help ourselves, let’s help each other.

I believe when we support each other with our thought, ideas and actions, we together create a more united community. Our monthly magazine, Communique, focuses on building better versions of ourselves.

This issue of the magazine is rich in good thoughts and creativity. Let us work together on platforms like Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and International Council of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering for a better and brighter future.

Jai Hind.

Ms. Nandita Pandey

Chief Editor’s Note


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