Womenomics in Action : a Global Movement

Women are more likely to be promoted to company boardrooms in countries where they hold greater economic and political power, according to research that highlighted the limited ability of quotas to give women more sway in business.

Women’s economic power, as measured by years of schooling and percentage of women in the labor market, is the most important factor in ensuring greater gender equality in the boardroom, according to a survey of 1,002 companies in 41 countries.

Female political power, as measured by the number of MPs, as well as rights to maternity and paternity leave, also strongly corresponded to opportunities in the boardroom, the survey, believed to be the biggest of its kind, found.

The report found that boardroom quotas – as adopted in countries from Norway to Israel and India – played a limited role. While they helped get women into boardrooms, they did not translate into long tenures, raising the issue of a potential “revolving door”.

With the movement for women’s equality in the workplace in full swing, we bring together a panel of experts to examine the successes and challenges of corporate initiatives with the intent of fostering women’s empowerment and engagement across world.

Topics we plan to examine in detail are: successful initiatives that have led to an increase in the number of women at the board/managerial level, the challenges that women still face in the workplace, and also a look at the international ideas that the countries can adopt and implement to further the women’s movement.

Foundation of Womenomics Movement

  • Expression Representation
  • Space for expression
  • Venue to enable communication
  • Collaboration

Rules of the mission

  • Always be in “BETA”
  • Develop COPING Mechanism
  • Think Long-term
  • Help Others
  • Stand for something
  • Use fear as Motivation
  • Balance
  • Perform with PURPOSE
  • Keep up with the CHANGE
  • Make Indispensable

Womenomics in actions – a global mission will be having various areas of sub-interventions as listed below:

  • #WomenomicsinAction
  • Women in Technology
  • Women in STEM
  • Women in Sports
  • Space for Women
  • Women in Business Growth
  • Women in Research
  • Women in Innovation
  • Women in Leadership
  • Skills for SheJobs
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Gender Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
  • Women in Trade
  • Women & Health
  • Holistic Development of Women
  • Girls’ and Women’s Education
  • Justice for Women & Girls
  • Women in Design

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