Silver Partner

Silver Partner


  • Featured placement of company logo and description on major digital promotions and emails (Actual Value 500GBP)
  • Logo and link prominently displayed on & website promoting sponsorship (Actual Value 800GBP)
  • 4x Advertorials – One-page ad in any one or combination of three digital magazines (12 editions in total. Actual Value 200GBP) i.e The Great Leaders/ Global Founders/ Global Alliances
  • Inclusion of company literature in the Program Brochure (1/2 Page. Actual Value 200GBP)
  • Silver Sponsor medallions in electronic format for use on your websites, ads, emails, and other high-impact communications
  • One or more emails sent to the full conference and prospect list showcasing the company logo with a concise message (Actual Value 500GBP)
  • One cover story in any one of the digital magazines i.e The Great Leader, Global Founders, Global Alliances magazine (Valid for 12 Months. Actual Value 300GBP)


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