In the financial services/Investments sector for 25+ years, experience/expertise in Equity mkts, mutual funds, insurance, real estate verticals, additionally in Luxury sector (25 yrs +) and Emerging Technologies – Blockchain, AI, DeFi, AR/VR/XR, NFT, Metaverse, Wealthtech, Realtytech, etc (5 yrs). Focusing in the future on Spacetech and Defencetech.
WEALTH MGMT: Advising clients (UHNI’s/HNI’s ) by designing strategies for asset allocation suiting their respective risk profiles with a goal-oriented approach. Effective in gaining an in-depth understanding of client’s needs and advising on a diverse range of wealth management solutions.
REAL ESTATE: Advise clients on how to maximize the value of their real estate. Assist them in extracting that value through the application of sophisticated financial strategies and funding mechanisms. Conduct, analyze and evaluate market research to maintain current market information – view competitor developments, record and analyze information, report to senior management and investors (domestic & foreign) on market conditions and market trends.
TECHNOLOGY: Blockchain ecosystem Catalyst and speaker. I am in Emerging Tech, focus on Blockchain/AI/VR:AR/IOT, Defi/NFT ecosystem, working with startups and emerging companies, ecosystem and community on strategy, bussn. developments, marketing, conduct workshops for sr. executives, pvt. hni/uhni investors, imparting knowledge on the blockchain with its use cases, speaker on Blockchain and building the ecosystem globally, strategically accelerating digital transformation with stakeholders.
Specialties: Having expertise in handling complex and multi-tiered relationships that demand experience and a proven track record of successfully managing accounts within the private banking space or similar arena. I am an inspirational and entrepreneurial leader, leading from the front, with commercial instinct and positive attitude, believing in an engaging and challenging approach.