
The Global Emerging Leaders Awards are given to individuals who have made significant contributions to their fields of endeavour and society as a whole. Awards are based on the quality of the applicant’s work, as well as the scope of their impact on the community or the country. Honorees are selected by a committee of experts who volunteer their time.
By creating a more hospitable environment in which entrepreneurs and venture investors operate, the alliance will increase the demand for angel investors and venture capital. Increasing the supply can happen by improving the environment for limited partners who need to be confident that the “rules of the game” will remain roughly constant for the several-year duration of their typical fund commitment.
We are excited to offer you the opportunity to join us in August 2023 to create meaningful business relationships in one of the world's most vibrant and innovative markets. This delegation aims to showcase how global businesses can contribute to solving sustainable development and green transition challenges in Singapore. With a focus on business innovation and adaptation, this event will help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
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