Global Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness

Global Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness

RWorkspaces, Vardhman Trade Centre, Unit 1, 3rd Flr Adjoining SBI, Nehru Place, New Delhi, Delhi, 110019, India

Global Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness is an Indo-American environmental charity based in Delhi. Global Foundation is committed to bring in innovative and enduring solutions to some of the key socio-environmental challenges across three key thematic areas i.e. water security, climate security and food security through multi-stakeholder, trans-disciplinary and hands-on approach. Influenced by the Triple Bottom Line approach – People, Planet and Profit, the Foundation’s overall edifice was built on three conceptual pillars (the people, business, and the government) that can bring about a positive change in global environmental standards individually and collectively.
The Foundation’s vision is to play a substantive and stellar role in making India the environmental and the renewable energy leader of the world and continue to improve the global environmental standards.
Its Mission is to realize a state of knowledge and awareness on part of each individual and business on the planet that they understand the impact of each of their actions and operations on the environment and act in a fashion that minimizes the adverse impact and while maximizing positive impact.
India is great country with diverse culture and ecology; yet in many aspects of environmental protection and preservation, it lags others. The environmental lag has become worsened over the years as the population and economic growth have made significant demands on resources. The Foundation would focus bulk of its efforts at the outset to strengthen ecological and human health.

Key Objectives

  • To bring in sustainable solution towards climate and environmental challenges for larger good including human wellness through capacity development and technological interventions
  • To formulate pro-environment and pro-people strategy under Triple Bottom Line paradigm i.e. Planet, People and Profit
  • To work through multi-stakeholder approach to encourage and help individuals, communities, businesses, healthcare system and government departments to promote environmentally better products and services
  • To measure and evaluate quality of environment friendly business operations for the best practices and equal benefit sharing by quality testing for better quality control and sustainable environmental services
  • To support community based and participatory conservation efforts through sustainable livelihood and rural enterprise development
  • To work closely with corporations under Corporate Social Responsibility for effective delivery of environmental projects.

Our work encompasses a wide range of issues and through ground level interventions, it has been able to work towards achieving multiple SDGs:

SDG 2 Zero hunger: value addition in the agriculture sector, promotion of D-vit fortified mushroom amongst interested to grow mushroom for food as well as for the market.
SDG 4 Quality education: green skilling and environmental capacity enhancement
SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation: water resources (conservation & restoration of water bodies), We have been widely appreciated for our work on rain water harvesting for ground water aquifer recharge and have received the Water Digest Water Awards in 2020 for the same.
SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy: low-carbon energy solutions for cooking, heating and drying
SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth: Alternative livelihood training – water hyacinth based handicraft training (water hyacinth is an alien invasive species), introduction to home-stay concept and training on rural tourism needs
SDG 15 Life on Land: currently working towards the formulation of a citizen based project to promote decentralized approach in biodiversity conservation outside the protected area network in sync with the OECM concept i.e. Other Effective area-based Conservation Measure that would employ an app based monitoring of smaller bodies/village pond.
